Learning that they need a root canal can make even the bravest patient feel nervous; however, you’re likely experiencing tooth pain if your dentist diagnosed a root canal for you and this procedure is not only going to relieve your discomfort it will also help to preserve your natural tooth.
At Roots Dental, your comfort is a top priority for our team. Our dentists are gentle and highly skilled, which means you can rest assured that your root canal will go smoothly.
We also offer options for dental sedation to help you feel more relaxed during your procedure. Whether you’re looking for something to take the edge off during your root canal procedure, or you need a deeper level of relaxation, your Portland, OR dentist can help. We’re happy to discuss your options for dental sedation with you before your procedure if you think it will benefit you.
Understanding Your Root Canal Procedure
Having a clear understanding of your treatment and why it’s necessary can also help to relieve some of your anxious feelings about the procedure.
Since it’s often associated with pain, root canal treatment has been misunderstood in the past. However, a root canal is an excellent way to eliminate the infection that has occurred inside your tooth, which is actually what’s causing your pain.
Our dentists will gently remove the infected tissue in your tooth and seal it. Once it has had time to heal, you’ll return to your dentist to have your tooth reinforced with a permanent restoration that will ensure you can rely on your tooth for eating and chewing as you did before.
Contact Roots Dental
If you or a loved one needs a root canal in Portland, OR, we encourage you to contact Roots Dental and learn how our dentists can help guide you through the process of saving your tooth and restoring your dental health.